My PLAYLIST in Progress
26 January 2007
Squirrels and "Bbrrrrm-brrruuummmmm!"
But, since it is warmer than usual today, Sam and I played outside for a while before lunchtime. It has been a long time since he's been outside to play. We've gone outside and ran to the car, but not actually played. We broke out the Tonka dumptruck and he had a great time throwing sticks and pinecones and rocks into his truck. "Bbbbbrrrrm! bbbrrrrrmm-brrrm!" His truck sounds and giggles are a delight to hear, and to see my little boy running around in the sunshine gave me a great feeling of joy! And even saying that sounds to me like a vast understatement.... *sigh*
The little one is down for his nap, so I'm catching up on internet stuff. Sam likes to try to steal the mouse from me, and I like to not let him have it; to save on frustration on both sides, I save my computer stuff for his naptimes, or after Michael is home from work to "distract" our young lad. And I have maybe twenty minutes left until he is awake and ready for more fun.
Anyway, I really have no news... I've nearly finished the blanket I'm knitting for my soon-to-arrive neice, Olivia. I've made major advances in organizing our filing cabinet for the New Year (sticking to my resolutions). Same old stuff. No American Idol, or other TV shows, to speak of (don't really watch), except for ARTHUR on PBS and my usual cooking shows. Loving the deep-fryer we got from my mom for Christmas (healthy-eating resolution not doing the greatest). I've made falafel, fried mozzerella, and fried chicken. And Michael's favorite (Sam loves them too): ONION RINGS. I've also made doughnuts from's not that difficult, but it IS slightly time consuming. But they are oh-so-tasty. Especially with a cup of hazelnut coffee! YUM!
I will have to start posting my favorite recipes here, so you all can try some of this food if and when you're interested....another day, perhaps. My time is up, and so is my boy. Aloha.
10 January 2007
Starting The New Year Off RIGHT!
I have a great bit of news to sister Stephanie is pregnant! She and Brian are expecting their little bundle of joy to arrive in late August or early September. Congrats to you two! You'll be awesome parents!
Also, my youngest sister, Andrea, is nearing her due date rapidly for her little Olivia Jane. Our family is growing by leaps and bounds!
I have made a few resolutions for the New Year:
- Be more organized than last year (an on-going resolution for me)
- Be more adventurous in my cooking, trying new recipes more frequently
- Be more patient (the terrible-twos are upon me!!!)
- Continue to keep in touch with friends and family (snail mail ahoy!)
- Include more healthy foods and activities in my daily life
Our Christmas tree came down on New Year's Eve. It was drying out faster that we hoped, and Samuel managed to start pulling light strings off anyhow. We're still finding pine needles almost everywhere, even though we've vaccumed a few times since the tree went bye-bye. It is so annoying to step unknowingly on those, especially barefoot (which is often -- we don't wear shoes in the house). Hopefully any stray pine needles will be vacuumed or otherwise found within the next few days....
Another bit of good news, however odd: My company awarded me a prize for being passionate in my job. Our company's mission sttement has five key values: Passion, Urgency, Integrity, Standards, Focus. Twice a year, one employee is chosen as exemplifying one of the five key values. Store or corporate employees nominate candidates, and the "winners" are tallied. For the second half of 2006, I was voted for my PASSION in my work. I try to be as in to my job as I can possibly be. I mean, it IS only a grocery store service counter, but I do deal a lot with the public, money in varouis forms, and securtiy issues for the it DOES matter quite a bit to me. Especially since I've been working here for nearly a decade.....(ugh, did I really just put that in writing?!) Apparently, others have taken notice, and voted for / nominated me for the award. Not too shabby!
We've been having a mild winter here in StL, aside from that ice storm we had that knock power out for most of the metro area. But now it is getting bitterly cold outside, and another potential ice storm is approaching for this weekend. Working in the grocery industry, the public has been incited to near-panic, buying huge quantities of firewood, canned soups and bread, milk, eggs, etc. We'll be busy, all of us here in the StL grocery industry. I understand folks want to be prepared for an emergency, but panic only feeds frustration and more panic. People just need to slow down and think things through, show common-courtesey to your neighbor, and calm down a smidge.
I've been working now for the past eight days straight.....and am feeling drained. I'm off work for the next two days, and plan to make big warm hearty meals for dinner and enough for leftovers. I've got a great recipe for Baked Potato Soup (tomorrow's dinner) and an EasyApple Cake for dessert (also tomorrow). Both can be found at the webpage for Penzey's Spices; just click on their link for recipes. I love Penzey's. They have a local shop, so I don't have to order through the catalogue, but the catalogues are very informative, and have recipes, too, which is why I continue to request its delivery.... Check them out!
It is time for me to get to some housework. And Sam needs a juice refill. I hope everyone's year is starting off on a positive note!